Xiaomi SU7 Interior Unveiled: Redefining Comfort and Control for Modern Drivers!


  • Xiaomi SU7 electric sedan has garnered significant attention as it inches closer to its launch.
  • While the exterior design was unveiled previously, the interior remained shrouded in mystery until now.

Xiaomi SU7 Focus on Interior Design

Shifting from Minimalism

  • Xiaomi deviates from minimalist interiors typical in tech-focused automotive ventures.
  • Embracing a driver-centric design with physical buttons and sleek technology.

Addressing User Feedback

  • Many EV owners express frustration over the absence of tactile controls.
  • Xiaomi’s approach integrates tactile switches to enhance user experience.
xiaomi suv7 interior

A Closer Look at the Interior

Design Elements

  • Flat-bottomed steering wheel and tactile switches enhance driver interaction.
  • Horizontal center touchscreen and center console add to the futuristic appeal.
xiaomi suv7 interior

Toggle Switches

  • Conveniently positioned under the driver’s right hand for easy access.
  • Controls vital functions such as air conditioning and ride height adjustment.

Spaciousness and Functionality

  • Floating dashboard design integrates multiple elements for a cohesive look.
  • Docking unit allows for additional physical buttons, enhancing functionality.

Driver-Focused Features

  • Sports seats ensure a low seating position for optimal forward visibility.
  • Head-up display and instrument panel contribute to an immersive driving experience.

Technological Advancements

Winter Range and Efficiency

  • Promises of exceptional winter range and efficiency set the SU7 apart.
  • In-house developed heat pump tackles extreme temperatures with ease.

Performance in Extreme Conditions

  • Winter testing videos showcase the SU7’s capabilities in challenging environments.
  • Withstands temperatures as low as -33°C, highlighting its resilience.

Market Outlook and Future Plans

Expected Delivery and Pricing

  • Deliveries slated to commence in the first half of 2024.
  • Rumored price tag of approximately 300,000 yuan ($42,000) positions the SU7 competitively.

Xiaomi’s Expansion into Electric Vehicles

  • CEO Lei Jun underscores the company’s commitment to the electric vehicle sector.
  • While continuing smartphone and tech production, Xiaomi prioritizes its role in the EV industry.


  • Xiaomi’s SU7 electric sedan emerges as a promising contender in the Chinese market.
  • Its innovative interior design, coupled with technological advancements, sets a new standard for electric vehicles.


  1. Is the Xiaomi SU7 available for pre-order?
    • As of now, pre-orders have not been announced. Keep an eye on Xiaomi’s official channels for updates.
  2. What sets the SU7’s interior apart from other electric vehicles?
    • The SU7 focuses on tactile interaction, incorporating physical buttons alongside advanced technology.
  3. Can the SU7 withstand extreme weather conditions?
    • Yes, the SU7 undergoes rigorous testing to ensure performance even in temperatures as low as -33°C.
  4. What is Xiaomi’s strategy for entering the electric vehicle market?
    • Xiaomi aims to establish itself as a key player in the EV industry while maintaining its presence in tech and smartphones.
  5. When can customers expect to see the SU7 on the roads?
    • Deliveries are expected to commence in the first half of 2024, bringing the SU7 closer to eager customers.

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