Microsoft Latest Windows 11 Update Introduces Controversial App Recommendations

Microsoft recently unveiled a fresh update, KB5037000, for Windows 11 Insiders participating in the Beta Channel. While this update brings exciting new interactive elements to Windows Spotlight, it also introduces a controversial change: an increase in app recommendations within the Start menu. These recommendations, often resembling advertisements, can appear in the “Recommended” section of the Start menu, showcasing apps from the Microsoft Store based on recent user activity.

Understanding the Windows 11 Update

The primary focus of the update lies in enhancing the Windows Spotlight experience and refining app recommendations. With the latest update, the Start menu now categorizes apps into “Pinned” and “Recommendations” sections. While the “Pinned” section remains unchanged, the addition of recommendations from the Microsoft Store has stirred controversy among users.

These recommendations are not arbitrary but are based on users’ recent app usage. However, despite this personalized approach, users may still encounter app suggestions that do not align with their interests or needs.

Impact on User Experience

The incorporation of more app recommendations alters the layout of the Start menu, potentially disrupting the user experience. What was once a streamlined interface may now feel cluttered with additional suggestions, creating a somewhat intrusive browsing experience for users.

Moreover, the introduction of app recommendations in the Start menu raises concerns about the commercialization of the Windows operating system. While these recommendations may not directly involve app developers paying for placement, Microsoft stands to benefit financially from apps distributed through its store, leading users to perceive these recommendations as advertisements.

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Microsoft Store Integration

A significant aspect of the update is the integration of app recommendations with the Microsoft Store. While this integration may offer users access to a wider range of applications, it also raises questions about the underlying revenue model. Microsoft’s earnings from apps distributed through its store imply a financial incentive behind these recommendations, further blurring the line between user assistance and advertising.

How to Disable the Feature

Fortunately, users have the option to disable the app recommendation feature if they find it intrusive or irrelevant. By navigating to Settings > Personalization > Start and toggling off the “Show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more” option, users can regain control over their Start menu experience.

This level of customization empowers users to tailor their Windows 11 environment according to their preferences, ensuring a more personalized and less intrusive user experience.

Scope of the Update

It’s essential to note that the update primarily affects Insiders in the Beta Channel and personal devices, excluding work computers managed by organizations. This limited scope suggests that Microsoft is testing the feature with a select group of users before considering a wider rollout.

Uncertainty About the Future

As with any update introduced through the Insider program, the fate of this feature remains uncertain. Microsoft is actively soliciting feedback from users to gauge their response to the increased app recommendations. Depending on the feedback received, Microsoft may choose to refine or remove the feature before the final release of Windows 11.


In conclusion, Microsoft’s latest update for Windows 11 brings both excitement and controversy. While the introduction of new interactive elements enhances the user experience, the inclusion of more app recommendations in the Start menu raises concerns about user privacy and commercialization. By offering users the option to disable the feature and gathering feedback through the Insider program, Microsoft demonstrates a commitment to balancing innovation with user preferences.

Unique FAQs

  1. Can I revert to the previous Start menu layout after installing the update?Unfortunately, there is no built-in option to revert to the previous Start menu layout. However, users can provide feedback to Microsoft through the Insider program if they prefer the previous layout.
  2. Will disabling app recommendations affect other aspects of Windows 11?No, disabling app recommendations only affects the Start menu’s “Recommended” section. Other features and functionalities of Windows 11 remain unaffected.
  3. Are there any privacy concerns associated with app recommendations?While app recommendations are based on users’ recent activity, some users may have privacy concerns regarding the data collected to generate these recommendations. However, Microsoft assures users that privacy and data security are paramount concerns.
  4. How frequently does Microsoft gather feedback from Windows Insiders?Microsoft regularly collects feedback from Windows Insiders through various channels, including surveys, forums, and diagnostic data. This feedback plays a crucial role in shaping future updates and features.
  5. Is participation in the Windows Insider program mandatory for receiving updates?No, participation in the Windows Insider program is entirely voluntary. However, joining the program allows users to access early builds of Windows updates and provide feedback to Microsoft.

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