WhatsApp Progress Towards Cross-Platform Communication

WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app, continues to evolve its platform to meet the dynamic needs of its users. In a recent beta update for Android, version, WhatsApp has unveiled intriguing features that suggest a significant step towards enabling cross-platform communication. While direct messaging with other platforms like Telegram or Signal isn’t yet operational, WhatsApp is actively preparing its infrastructure for such interoperability.

Background of WhatsApp’s Latest Beta Update

Version of WhatsApp’s beta update serves as a precursor to the potential integration of cross-platform communication. This update introduces a notable feature known as the “Manage Third-Party Chats,” indicating WhatsApp’s proactive approach to accommodate future developments in digital communication.

Understanding the “Manage Third-Party Chats” Feature

The “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature addresses two critical aspects: user control and EU regulatory compliance. Primarily, it empowers users with the ability to disable the chat interoperability service altogether, in alignment with Article 7 of the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). This provision underscores the importance of user autonomy in determining data sharing and communication preferences.

User Control and EU Regulatory Compliance

The introduction of the “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature emphasizes WhatsApp’s commitment to regulatory compliance and user-centric design. By offering the option to disable the cross-platform messaging service, WhatsApp ensures that users have the final say in their communication preferences, adhering to the principles outlined in the EU’s DMA.

Granular Control Over Third-Party App Integration

Moreover, this feature provides users with granular control over which third-party apps can interact with WhatsApp. This level of customization enables users to tailor their communication experience according to their preferences and privacy concerns. By selecting only trusted messaging services for integration, users can optimize their level of interconnectivity while minimizing potential risks.

Selective Management of Third-Party App Access

The ability to selectively manage third-party app access offers numerous advantages. Users can avoid unwanted communication from unfamiliar platforms while maintaining seamless connections with desired services. Additionally, the option to disable the entire service provides a clear exit strategy for users who may change their minds about cross-platform messaging, ensuring flexibility and control.

Limitations of Disabling the Service

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the limitations associated with disabling the service. Existing third-party chats will transition to a read-only mode, restricting users from sending or receiving new messages within those conversations. Nevertheless, these chats remain accessible within WhatsApp and can be deleted at the user’s discretion, mitigating potential disruptions to the messaging experience.

Future Implications of the Feature

The introduction of the “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature signifies WhatsApp’s proactive stance towards facilitating cross-platform communication while prioritizing user control and regulatory compliance. As this feature evolves and integrates into the platform, it is poised to significantly impact how users manage their messaging experience, fostering a more interconnected ecosystem.

Ongoing Testing of New Features

In addition to the “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature, WhatsApp is actively testing several other functionalities in recent betas. One such feature includes the introduction of a secret code for locked chats on WhatsApp Web, aimed at enhancing privacy and security for users. Furthermore, the experimentation with a new design for the status tab demonstrates WhatsApp’s continuous efforts to optimize the user experience and adapt to evolving preferences.


WhatsApp’s latest beta update represents a pivotal milestone in its journey towards enabling cross-platform communication. Through the introduction of the “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature and ongoing experimentation with new functionalities, WhatsApp reaffirms its commitment to empowering users with greater control over their communication experience while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


  1. What is the purpose of the “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature in WhatsApp’s beta update?
    • The “Manage Third-Party Chats” feature allows users to control their interaction with third-party messaging services, enabling them to customize their communication experience according to their preferences.
  2. How does this feature align with EU regulatory compliance?
    • This feature aligns with Article 7 of the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), which emphasizes user control over data sharing and communication preferences, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
  3. Can users completely opt-out of cross-platform messaging with this feature?
    • Yes, users have the option to disable the chat interoperability service entirely, providing them with the flexibility to opt-out of cross-platform messaging if desired.
  4. What are the limitations of disabling the service?
    • Disabling the service will transition existing third-party chats to a read-only mode, preventing users from sending or receiving new messages within those conversations.
  5. Are there any other notable features being tested in recent betas?
    • Yes, WhatsApp is actively experimenting with various features, including the introduction of a secret code for locked chats on WhatsApp Web and a new design for the status tab, aimed at enhancing privacy, security, and user experience.

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