WhatsApp New Security Feature: Synced Chat Locks 2024


WhatsApp, a widely-used messaging platform owned by Meta, is constantly striving to enhance user privacy. Recently, the company has unveiled a new security feature aimed at further fortifying user privacy: synchronized chat locks across all devices.

Understanding WhatsApp’s Synced Chat Locks

WhatsApp’s latest security enhancement involves synchronizing chat locks across all devices linked to a user’s account. This means that if you opt to lock a conversation on one device, that lock will automatically apply to the same conversation when accessed through WhatsApp on any other connected device, be it a computer, tablet, or another smartphone.

Key Points about WhatsApp’s Synced Chat Locks

  1. Feature Discovery: The introduction of synchronized chat locks was first brought to light by WABetaInfo, a trusted source for WhatsApp updates.
  2. Implementation: This feature was identified in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, available for download to enrolled beta testers via the Google Play Store.

Evolution of WhatsApp’s Security Features

WhatsApp has been progressively enhancing its security features over time. Initially, the platform introduced the capability to lock specific chats. Subsequently, it rolled out another feature known as Secret Lock, enabling users to set a distinct password separate from their device password. This password grants access to the Locked chats folder, rendering it invisible to unauthorized individuals.

Device-Specific Settings Limitation

Despite the advantages of these security features, they were initially limited to device-specific settings. Consequently, users were required to configure these locks separately on each device, whether it be a computer or smartphone.

The Advantages of Synchronized Chat Locks

The forthcoming update aims to address this limitation by streamlining the process. With synchronized chat locks, users can effortlessly extend their security preferences across all platforms where WhatsApp is utilized.

Anticipated Rollout

This enhanced chat lock feature is expected to be included in the upcoming WhatsApp update, ensuring a more seamless and consistent user experience across devices.

In Related News

In addition to these security enhancements, WhatsApp has confirmed plans to enable cross-platform messaging via its platform. This will facilitate message exchange between WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal, and vice versa. However, initial indications suggest that this feature may be restricted to the European region initially.


WhatsApp’s commitment to user privacy and security remains steadfast with the introduction of synchronized chat locks. By offering this feature, the platform aims to provide users with greater peace of mind and convenience in managing their conversations across various devices.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Will synchronized chat locks be available to all WhatsApp users?
    • Yes, once the feature is rolled out in the upcoming update, it should be accessible to all WhatsApp users.
  2. Can synchronized chat locks be disabled if desired?
    • Yes, users typically have the option to enable or disable security features according to their preferences.
  3. Is there any indication of when the new WhatsApp update will be released?
    • While specific release dates are not disclosed, updates are typically rolled out periodically, so users can expect to receive it in due course.
  4. Are synchronized chat locks compatible with all devices?
    • As long as the devices are linked to the same WhatsApp account, synchronized chat locks should function seamlessly across various platforms.
  5. Will synchronized chat locks impact the performance or speed of the WhatsApp application?
    • Generally, security features are designed to operate efficiently without significantly affecting the app’s performance or speed.

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