WhatsApp is testing polls in channels

In the dynamic world of messaging apps, WhatsApp continues to evolve, surprising users with innovative features. The latest buzz surrounds the introduction of polls in Channels on Android, a noteworthy addition revealed in the recent beta release (version Let’s delve into the details of this exciting feature.

WhatsApp Polls in Channels

WhatsApp enthusiasts will now find a new “polls” option within Channels, adding another layer of interactivity to group conversations. Accessible through the paperclip icon in Channel chats, this feature allows users to create questions with a substantial 12 options, catering to a diverse range of polling scenarios. Notably, the polls icon distinguishes itself in green, a departure from the usual yellow, maintaining the app’s vibrant aesthetics.

One of the key highlights is the preservation of voter anonymity. Regardless of whether you’re a participant or the poll creator, individual responses remain confidential. This ensures a candid and unbiased polling experience within Channels.


Beta Testing and Green Polls Icon

The appearance of the green polls icon signifies its testing phase and is visible only to a select group of beta testers. While not everyone on the Android beta program may have immediate access, its inclusion hints at a potential widespread rollout in the near future. For beta testers eager to harness the power of polls within their Channels, a vigilant eye for the green icon is recommended.

Future Availability and Testing

The burning question for many WhatsApp users is, “When can I get my hands on this feature?” Unfortunately, the answer remains uncertain. As with any beta release, the polls in Channels will undergo rigorous testing and iterative improvements before a broader release. While the excitement is palpable, patience is key as WhatsApp fine-tunes this feature for a seamless user experience.

Additional Beta Update: Bug Fix

In tandem with the polls excitement, another beta update (version addresses a recent bug fix for Android users. A previous update inadvertently disrupted the display of Status update thumbnails next to contact names. The new update restores this functionality, ensuring a smoother and more familiar user experience.

Overall WhatsApp Beta Updates

These recent developments are part of a broader trend in WhatsApp’s beta testing initiatives. From advanced text formatting to themes on Android, the messaging giant is actively engaging with its user base. The flurry of activity at the beginning of 2024 indicates a commitment to not only fix issues promptly but also to introduce features that enhance the overall user experience.


In conclusion, WhatsApp’s beta updates, including the introduction of polls in Channels, showcase the app’s dedication to staying at the forefront of messaging innovation. While the exact release timeline remains uncertain, the promise of exciting features and improvements keeps users eagerly anticipating what’s next.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Q: How can I access the new polls feature on WhatsApp Channels?
    • A: As of now, the polls feature is in beta testing. Keep an eye on the green polls icon in Channel chats if you’re on the Android beta program.
  2. Q: Are votes in the polls anonymous?
    • A: Yes, both participants and the poll creator won’t see individual responses, ensuring anonymity and unbiased polling.
  3. Q: When can we expect the polls in Channels to be available to all users?
    • A: The exact timeline is uncertain. The feature will undergo testing and improvements in future beta versions before a broader release.
  4. Q: What was the bug fix in the recent beta update (version
    • A: The update addressed a bug that had disrupted the display of Status update thumbnails next to contact names.
  5. Q: What other features can we expect from WhatsApp in 2024?
    • A: While specifics aren’t disclosed, WhatsApp’s active beta testing hints at more innovations and improvements throughout the year.

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