Video of Xiaomi SU7 self-parking in a multi-level garage surfaces

The electric vehicle (EV) landscape in China is witnessing an unprecedented surge, with innovative models entering the market regularly. Among these, the Xiaomi SU7 EV stands out, not just for its advanced technology but also for its unique origin. Unlike traditional automotive companies, Xiaomi, a renowned tech brand, unveiled its foray into the EV market in 2021, with ambitious plans to secure a spot among the top five EV manufacturers within the next 15 to 20 years.

Xiaomi’s Entry into the EV Market

Xiaomi’s decision to venture into electric vehicles came as a surprise to many. In 2021, the company announced its manufacturing plans, signaling its commitment to shaping the future of transportation. The goal to be a leading player in the EV industry reflects Xiaomi’s forward-thinking approach and determination to diversify its offerings.

Unique Features of Xiaomi SU7

The SU7 boasts an impressive array of features, with a strong emphasis on self-driving capabilities. Equipped with advanced Lidar, radar, and camera systems, this EV aims to redefine the driving experience. One standout feature that has captured attention is its self-parking functionality, as demonstrated in a promotional video released by Xiaomi.

The Self-Parking Video

In the promotional video, the Xiaomi SU7 showcases its self-parking prowess in a multi-level parking garage. The driver initiates the process by tapping a button on the car’s infotainment screen, and the SU7 autonomously navigates through the garage, gracefully maneuvering past other parked vehicles. The smart movement culminates in the car reaching the top level, finding a parking space, and expertly reversing into it.

Missing Optics in the Video

While the self-parking video is impressive, some questions linger. It remains unclear whether the SU7 solely relied on its onboard navigation system or if the parking area was specially equipped for such activities. The prospect of the Xiaomi SU7 seamlessly navigating through a parking lot using only its sensors and software adds another layer of fascination to its capabilities.

Confirmed Features of Xiaomi SU7

Beyond the self-parking spectacle, the Xiaomi SU7 is confirmed to offer hands-off freeway driving functionality and auto-parking capabilities. Additionally, there’s anticipation for future software updates that could enable self-driving on city streets, showcasing Xiaomi’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Xiaomi’s Marketing Strategy

Xiaomi adopts a strategic approach to market the SU7, releasing snippets and promotional material ahead of its official entry into the Chinese market later this year. The preview video not only serves as a teaser but also aims to build excitement and anticipation among potential buyers.

The EV Revolution in China

The Xiaomi SU7’s introduction adds to the dynamic landscape of the EV revolution in China. With new models emerging frequently, Xiaomi’s position as a tech brand entering the automotive sector brings a fresh perspective to the market.


In conclusion, the Xiaomi SU7 EV emerges as a tech marvel, blending cutting-edge features with the innovation of a renowned tech brand. Its self-parking capabilities showcased in the promotional video hint at the possibilities of autonomous driving. As Xiaomi continues to release snippets, the anticipation for the SU7’s entry into the Chinese market grows.


  1. How does the self-parking feature of Xiaomi SU7 work?
    • The self-parking feature is initiated by tapping a button on the car’s infotainment screen. The SU7 then autonomously navigates through the parking garage using advanced sensors.
  2. What sets Xiaomi SU7 apart from other EVs in the market?
    • Xiaomi SU7 distinguishes itself with its tech brand origin, advanced Lidar, radar, and camera systems, and a unique self-parking feature, setting it apart from traditional automotive competitors.
  3. Are there any limitations to the self-driving capabilities of SU7?
    • While the promotional video showcases impressive self-parking, some details are still unclear. The extent of reliance on onboard navigation versus specially equipped parking areas is a point of curiosity.
  4. When is Xiaomi SU7 expected to be available for purchase?
    • Xiaomi plans to launch the SU7 later this year in the Chinese market. Exact dates and availability in other regions are yet to be confirmed.
  5. Can existing Xiaomi users easily transition to the SU7?
    • Transitioning to the SU7 may depend on individual preferences and needs. Xiaomi is expected to provide information and incentives for existing users looking to embrace their EV offering.

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