Redmi Warns Users About Liquid UV Adhesive Screen Protectors

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, and protecting these valuable devices is paramount. Screen protectors play a crucial role in safeguarding our phones from scratches, cracks, and other damages. With advancements in technology, liquid UV adhesive screen protectors have gained popularity for their seamless application and enhanced protection, particularly for devices with curved displays. However, in a recent advisory, Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi has raised concerns about the potential dangers associated with these protectors.

Redmi’s Advisory:

Redmi, known for its innovative smartphones, has issued a warning to its users regarding the usage of liquid UV adhesive screen protectors. While these protectors offer a sleek and seamless look, Redmi highlights several risks associated with their application. The liquid adhesive used to secure these protectors can seep into sensitive areas of the device, such as buttons, the charging port, and speaker holes. This seepage can lead to various issues, including unexpected device restarts, button malfunctions, and even damage to the phone’s casing.

Risks Associated with Liquid UV Adhesive Screen Protectors:

The risks associated with liquid UV adhesive screen protectors extend beyond mere inconvenience. Improper installation or accidental seepage of the adhesive can result in significant damage to the device. Moreover, Redmi emphasizes that using this type of screen protector could void the device’s warranty. This means that any repair costs resulting from damage caused by the screen protector installation would fall solely on the user, adding to the potential financial burden.

Alternative Screen Protector Options Suggested by Xiaomi:

To mitigate the risks posed by liquid UV adhesive screen protectors, Xiaomi recommends exploring alternative options that offer protection without the risk of liquid intrusion. Traditional screen protectors such as tempered glass, non-tempered glass, or electrostatic films provide reliable protection while avoiding the potential pitfalls associated with liquid adhesive application. These alternatives not only safeguard the device but also ensure peace of mind for the user.

Apple’s Guidance on Liquid Exposure for iPhones:

Apple, a leading player in the smartphone industry, has also recently issued guidance related to liquid exposure for iPhones. The company advises against common practices such as placing a wet iPhone inside a bag of uncooked rice. Contrary to popular belief, this method may not effectively remove moisture from the device and could potentially cause further damage.

Additionally, Apple warns against inserting objects such as cotton swabs or paper towels into the charging port, as this may lead to additional harm. Similarly, using external heat sources to dry the device is strongly discouraged, as it can exacerbate the damage. Instead, Apple recommends a simple yet effective procedure for addressing liquid exposure: disconnect the cable, gently tap the iPhone to remove excess liquid, and allow it to air dry in a well-ventilated area for a minimum of 30 minutes.

In conclusion, while liquid UV adhesive screen protectors offer a modern solution for device protection, the risks associated with their usage cannot be overlooked. Redmi’s advisory serves as a reminder to users to weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks carefully. By exploring alternative screen protector options and following manufacturers’ guidelines for device care, users can ensure the longevity and performance of their smartphones.


  1. Are liquid UV adhesive screen protectors suitable for all smartphones?
    • Liquid UV adhesive screen protectors may be compatible with most smartphones, but users should refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations before application.
  2. Can the risks associated with liquid UV adhesive screen protectors be mitigated with proper installation?
    • While experienced users may be able to install these protectors successfully, the risks of improper installation remain significant, as highlighted by Redmi.
  3. Does using alternative screen protector options affect the touch sensitivity of the device?
    • Alternative screen protector options such as tempered glass or electrostatic films are designed to maintain touch sensitivity while providing added protection to the device’s screen.
  4. What should I do if my smartphone comes into contact with liquid?
    • If your smartphone encounters liquid exposure, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for drying and seek professional assistance if necessary to prevent further damage.
  5. Is it necessary to replace the screen protector periodically?
    • Over time, screen protectors may wear out or become damaged, necessitating replacement to maintain optimal protection for the device’s screen.

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